5 Smart Ways to Kick Your Kid’s Immune System Into High Gear

Colds and the flu are common facts of life, but that doesn’t mean you’ll do nothing to keep your kids away from them. But instead of waging an endless war using medicines and remedies, it’s way better and smarter to prepare your children from within, i.e., to build up and boost their natural immune system. Here are a few easy but effective tips for you.

Feeding More Fruits and Veggies

It’s the holy grail of health! Nothing can work better to boost the immune system than a healthy diet packed with multiple servings of seasonal fruits and veggies. Bright stuff like oranges, strawberries, green beans, and carrots are rich in carotenoids. According to dietitians and nutritionists, this particular phytonutrient improves the production of virus-blocking antibodies named interferon and infection-fighting white blood cells.

Boosting Sleep Time

Sleep deprivation can make both adults and children more susceptible to illness by affecting the body’s natural immune system. According to pediatric immunologists, children in daycare are generally at more risk as all of the scheduled activities can make it difficult for them to take a needed nap. In that case, double-check the nap policy of your daycare, or else, put your children to bed earlier so that they can get plenty of rest.

Guarding Against Germs

Though reducing germs doesn’t technically boost immunity, it’s a great way to decrease stress on the immune system, especially your child’s. The most effective and simplest strategy to keep germs at bay is washing hands often with soap. Pay particular attention to this mundane hygiene habit, especially before and after every meal and after playing outside. Changing your family’s toothbrushes when your kid is sick is also a handy trick.

Avoiding Unnecessary Antibiotics

It may seem productive, but jumping on antibiotics whenever your kid has a sore throat, the flu, or a cold, doesn’t help in the majority of cases. That’s because most childhood illnesses are caused by viruses, while antibiotics treat illnesses caused by bacteria only. Many pediatricians have to prescribe antibiotics reluctantly due to pressure from the parents. But this habit can affect your child’s immune system by creating antibiotic-resistant bacteria.


Exercise increases the number of natural killer cells in adults and children alike. They say the family works out together and sticks around together. So, you have to become a good role model to get your children into a lifelong fitness habit. According to clinical psychologists, opting for fun family activities like playing outdoor sports, jogging, bike-riding, etc. is far better than just constantly urging your kids to go outside and play.