Don’t Bother Asking to Join
There’s no formal process or even an application form to join the Hells Angels. Even the FAQ section on the official website states jokingly, “If you have to ask, you probably won’t understand the answer.”

So, your best option here is to make friends with an existing group member and wrangle an exclusive invite to a hang-out. It’s an invitation-only union event where the inducted members check out prospective candidates for addition to the group.
The Unanimous Vote
Being an official full-patch member in the Hells Angels requires a unanimous vote. The next big step after being a prospect is to be voted in unanimously by the rest of the charter. But, before that, the prospect usually goes to each charter in the area to introduce himself.

After being voted by their group charter, the prospects are inducted into the club through an initiation ceremony and are awarded the official vests. This act of successfully achieving a full membership is referred to as being patched.
Once an Angel, Always an Angel
Once you’re inducted as an official Hells Angel, you’re in for life. There’s simply no backing out until you deliberately cut your ties off, or worse, get kicked out for breaking a rule. Otherwise, the members don’t retire and their charters are essentially their second families.

Group members spend a lot of time together over the years and get to know each other well, just like a family. Even when one of them passes, fellow members unite to honor the memory of their fallen brother.
Members Are Like Family
This biker brotherhood isn’t just an amalgamation of motorcycle enthusiasts. It’s a belief system, a way of life, something all the members connect through profoundly. The passion runs much deeper and so do their mutual feelings for their fellow brothers.

Hells Angels members are initially united by their common passion for riding bikes, but it’s the familial connection that makes them so drawn and devoted to the club. That’s why the club is also very harsh in dealing with those who spoil this vibe.
The Club Comes First, Always
Once you join the club, you’re considered as one of the family. And Hells Angels is not just a club, it’s a complete lifestyle. That means, no matter what else is going on in your life, the club comes first, at any cost.

Being a club member means you’re an active participant in all activities and have voting rights. You’re also expected to value this role above everything else in your life. So, don’t think about joining another club anytime soon!
Vests Are Sacred
Once a prospect becomes a full-fledged member, he gets the official vest adorned with the sewn patches of the club’s name, the iconic logo, and the name of his charter. This vest is sacred and members go out of their way to protect it.

If they get arrested, they hand their vests to fellow members for safe-keeping until they get released. Even if they get caught up in an accident, they do whatever they can to avoid their vests getting torn or ripped.
So Are the Patches
The patches are sacred, too! As members grow and rise through the ranks in the club, they’re given patches accordingly. The members respect these patches as their sacred symbols and treat them with the utmost care.

So, protect your patches at any cost if you get inducted into the club. So much so, that you may have to refuse to let a doctor cut through the patches during treatment after an accident! Better to steer clear of accidents then, right?
The Meaningful Patches
Yes, the Hells Angels patches are sacred, but not always for pure reasons. Apart from the logo and charter names, there’re a few other patches that can be earned by the members throughout their lifespan in the group.

Obviously, those patches have specific meanings and signify deeds accomplished by the member. The patch ‘Dequiallo’ is worn by those who have met law enforcement with violence after getting arrested. The ‘Filthy Few’ patch is for those who have or are willing to do anything for the club!
The Dress Code
The group has a strict dress code for its members, though the rules vary slightly from charter to charter. The newbies can only wear shirts, black jeans, and vests with the group logo. Some charters don’t even allow shorts.

While some charters only allow all black wear, some are a bit more lenient by allowing blue jeans and camouflage patterns. This distinction of design and color codes helps distinguish the charter you belong to and also establishes further allegiance to your group.
Only Wear the Official Merchandise
As we said, the official Hells Angels merchandise is cherished by members. So, think twice before tossing that official merchandise for any cheap showy knock-offs. Hells Angels members don’t look kindly on fellow members who don’t show their group gears enough respect.

You get a vest the moment you’re selected as a prospect, though only with the word ‘Prospect’ sewn on it. Once you’ve passed the stage of running errands or doing whatever you have to do, you’ll get the coveted vest with the famous insignia and charter name.
Only Members Should Wear the Official Merchandise
The ironclad rule about official merchandise also applies to non-members, only they can’t sport them at all! Though they can buy it to show support in Hells Angels rallies, impersonating a member wearing a club insignia is a big no-no.

So, think long and hard before you start wearing your Hells Angels vest around town. They’re also not shy about retribution, so it’s better not to dress like a Hells Angel if you’re not one, even if it’s for Halloween!
Protecting the Brand Is Crucial
Well, now you know the importance of official merchandise to the Hells Angels members. But, you still don’t know how far they’re willing to go to protect its brand value! Surprisingly, in this case, the group prefers to abide by the law.

The Hells Angels have sued several large companies accusing them of using or imitating their insignia without prior permission. Some of their famous lawsuits are against Alexander McQueen, Saks Fifth,, Toys “R” Us, and yes, Disney, after it used the Hells Angels logo in Wild Hogs.
Attending Club Events
The highlight of your Hells Angels way of life is attending the club’s activities, meet-ups, and events. Your attendance will mark your seriousness about the organization. Members who fail to show up repeatedly without any reason are eventually cut off from the group.

The organization has a strict attendance code for prospects and newbies, too. If you want to make it past the hanging-around phase of recruitment, well, you’ve to hang around tight! Otherwise, you’ll be out of luck!
Don’t Interrupt a Meeting
Whatever image you might have in your mind, Hells Angels members are actually very well-behaved and orderly in their meetings. To keep things civilized, they follow “Robert’s Rules of Order,” which was written in 1876 in order to help business meetings stay diplomatic and courteous.

As per the rules, members must stick to the agenda and can’t interrupt a meeting unless it’s absolutely necessary. Questions should be asked before and after the meeting. Breaking this rule can even result in a hefty $100 fine!
Out of Sight, Out of Mind
In the case of Hells Angels, what happens in meet-ups stays in meet-ups. If you pick up a juicy piece of gossip about another group member, share it at your peril!

Group members take their collective vow of silence very seriously, and won’t even talk about absent members. If someone suddenly stops showing up at meetings without giving any information, active members won’t bother making a call or mentioning it to anyone else.
One for All, All for One
This Musketeers motto applies to the Hells Angels members, too. Once you’re a member, you’re obligated to live by the laws of the group, whether you like it or not. That includes the rule that, if one member gets pulled over, all members pull over, too.

This is an ideal show of brotherhood and solidarity. But, this means a huge responsibility on each member to not get caught behaving or riding illegally. It also means a tremendous pressure on that poor police officer, who has to endure a hundred mean stares!
Never Snitch on a Fellow Brother
This is another sign of brotherhood in the sacred charter of Hells Angels. It’s true that not all Hells Angels members make the best role models. Some have been rumored to have engaged in all kinds of troublemaking illegal acts.

But, no matter how you feel about it, never try to pass on any incriminating information about a fellow brother or rat them out. The entire Hells Angels brotherhood is expected to be tight-lipped about such things, and any deviation is followed by a swift and harsh retribution.
No Promotional Link Without Permission
It’s very hard to find a link to the official website of the Hells Angels anywhere on the internet — because it’s strictly forbidden to share, even for the club members!

The group doesn’t take kindly to anyone putting a link to the website anywhere without prior written consent. And even if you manage to get one, don’t think it will last forever. The group can withdraw the permission at any time if they wish.
No Talking to the Press
There’s a good reason why the Hells Angels is such a famously mysterious organization. The members earnestly make a point of keeping things that way!

Hells Angels members are well-known for being notoriously tight-lipped, especially to the media. They see it as a way to safeguard their members and protect their image. If anyone is found breaking the practice, they can kiss their memberships goodbye.
On Rare Occasions, Be Nice
There have been a handful of occasions when journalists were allowed to talk or interview a Hells Angel member. And the rule here is to treat those few journalists well, so they treat the group member well in return. Hells Angels members live by a code of respect, and that gets reflected in such occasions.

So, contrary to popular belief, journalists who have interviewed group members have described them as incredibly welcoming and inviting. Members are also known to occasionally aid strangers.
Always Ride in Formation
Most Hells Angels members have regular jobs, regular homes, and regular lives. But, it’s hard to believe that from the amount of time they usually spend on the road, riding their bikes! And they ride with the group, always!

Hells Angels are particularly picky about the formation of riding. While the leader will always lead the march, up next will be the vice president, closely followed by the road captain and the sergeant of arms. Others get free reign, though!
Cops Are Not Allowed
It’s not likely that any cop would jeopardize his reputation by joining the Hells Angels as there’s a clear conflict of interest! So, there are certain things the group simply doesn’t accept, and giving a cop a membership is one of them.

The rule also applies to prison guards, even if someone isn’t a full-timer in the unit. If you wear the police uniform at any hour of the day, you simply don’t get a chance to put on the Hells Angels vest, ever!
Longtime Association With Harley-Davidson
To be a Hells Angel, it’s not enough to be just any biker. You also need to own certain types of motorcyclist skills and possessions. And one of them is owning a Harley-Davidson.

Along the same line as the sacred group vest, riding Harley-Davidsons is a long-standing tradition of the Hells Angels. And, nowadays, these bikes have become as recognizable with the Hells Angels as their iconic logo.
The Condition for Non-Harleys
Harley-Davidson is the only widely accepted motorbike across the Hells Angels. While most charters abide by this rule, some offer a bit more leniency. Some charters allow their members to ride on any other bike, as long as it’s made in America.

According to some charters, one of the other largely acceptable bikes is the Buell Motorcycles. The brand Buell was originally established in Wisconsin back in 1983. This brand makes a clean pass to the club in absence of a Harley-Davidson.
Riding Thousands of Miles a Year Together
The connection between Hells Angels members is founded on their shared love of motorcycles. Biking is their own form of expression of freedom and they happily spend hours together on the road. And they never ride alone, ever!

So much so that according to the official public website, the group rides nearly 20,000 kilometers together every year. That comes up to more than 12,000 miles! No wonder they choose the topmost motorcycle fanatics as their members!
Don’t Join Another Biker Club
All the members of the Hells Angels have a deep bond, which is meant to last for a lifetime. With such a deep connection, comes a deeper commitment. The members don’t even consider joining another biker club.

The members also need to be careful about who they associate with outside the club. The public website clearly warns members not to combine the support for the club with any other groups, street gangs, or individuals, especially outside the club.
Brotherhood, Not a Sisterhood
Hells Angels refer to itself essentially as a brotherhood, not a sisterhood. That’s why you won’t see any female members in the group. But, though women are technically not a part of the club, they do play a major role in it.

And that role is being a supportive wife! Many of the members have wives and families. As a part of the crew, a brother has to ensure that his partner understands the commitment to the club and is okay with the lifestyle that comes with it.
Opening a New Charter
Similar to joining a Hells Angels charter, opening or creating one doesn’t happen overnight. According to the website, the charters consist of people who have known each other, ridden together, been living in the neighborhood, and been known by the local community for years.

So, naturally, it takes years, if not decades, to be that established! Only then can you consider morphing your group into a new charter of Hells Angels. The site aptly states that you won’t have to ask how when you’re ready to start a new charter!
Get What You Give
Make no mistake there, Hells Angels members aren’t the kind of people to be messed with! But, that doesn’t mean they’re always the big, bad, menacing ones. Members are expected to show brotherly love and respect to each other.

Also, a lot of Hells Angels charters arrange social and charity works to distribute the same respect and love to their larger community. So, if you’re nice to them, you’re getting that nice behavior back. But, if you’re not, they won’t think twice before turning that nice switch off!
Hells Angels Run Charities
Despite their reputation being otherwise, Hells Angels isn’t a group of anti-social outlaws. They occasionally run charities to create strong community relationships. They often ride for charity and invite other riders to join.

Every year, the Hells Angels hold a toy drive for Toys-for-Tots. Once, they donated 200 cycles to the Poverello House, an NGO that aids the homeless. But their motto aptly says, ‘When we do right, nobody remembers. When we do wrong, nobody forgets.”
Community Involvement Is Crucial
Hells Angels don’t only participate in the charity activities they arrange, they emphasize community involvement on a broad scale. So, it’s not uncommon to see members of the group supporting their neighborhood shops and businesses.

Once, a Hells Angels group discovered that their local watering-hole was raising funds for educational resources for disabled children. Immediately, the group jumped into action and volunteered to help in the entire process. It’s one of their amazing ways of living!
They Even Work as Concert Security
While attending a concert, you may spot some Hells Angels standing around. Don’t be surprised. They’ve been frequently hired as concert security. It started back in 1961 when George Harrison took some Hells Angels over to London as guards for a Beatles concert.

The bikers’ respectful attitude earned the respect of the Beatles, and since then, many bands have been hiring them as concert security. For the members, it’s an opportunity to earn some extra bucks and also to show off their Hells Angels pride.
Don’t Question the Punctuation
It’s clearly noticeable that the group’s name is missing a much-needed apostrophe. If you ever wonder, why is that so, better to keep it to yourself! Dare question their grammar and it’s unlikely that you’ll receive a pleasant answer for it.

It’s because they don’t want it. They’re known for breaking the rules and making their own, so why shouldn’t grammar rules be treated the same? As the website reads, “Yes, we know that there is an apostrophe missing, but it’s you who misses it. We don’t.”
Rule-Breaking Meets Consequences
The ultimate rule of the Hells Angels? Don’t break the other rules! Otherwise, there’ll be consequences. Those who are lenient with the club’s rulebook can expect to get into severe trouble, depending on the rule they broke and how far they’ve broken it.

There have been several instances, where the tattoos of the rule breakers were forcefully removed, or worse, they were kicked out of the club. In this case, there’s no luck in trying to keep in touch with the other members.
Honoring Late Members
Hells Angels are a family, and they do almost everything a family does. So, it’s natural that they honor their brothers who have passed away. Especially in the case of a young member, they often go out of their way to keep his memory alive.

So, don’t be surprised if you see a Hells Angels rally with posters and photos of someone. In 2018, after 20-year-old member, Clay Porter passed away, his fellow members reached his hometown to comfort his mother and comfort her.
Non-Members Can Buy Merchandise as Support
Though the members hate seeing commoners wearing the Hells Angels insignia, there are certain merchandise items that fans can buy to support the club. There’s a support shop of the Hells Angels, where non-members can show their appreciation to the biker group.

Members lean on fan support to grow their local charters. Also, more sale of the merchandise means more events they can put on for fellow bikers and others to enjoy all year round.
Go Clean or Get Out
Given their rough and tough reputation, it’ll be a mistake to think that the Hells Angels members allow everything against the law. There’s a zero-tolerance policy in the group about using illicit substances.

Even though a few of the members have been convicted on charges of substance dealing, the group didn’t lend their supporting hand to them. The use of substances is clearly mentioned as forbidden on the official site. Bottom line? Stay clean or get banished from the club!
Prospects Do the ‘Dirty Work’
After you pass the hang-around phase, you become a prospect in the Hells Angels. And once you’re a prospect, you’re on a trial run before getting the official membership vest. Now, if you’re thinking you got to show off your riding skill here, you’re wrong!

Being a prospect in the group isn’t always fun. Prospects generally have to pick up the dirty work the other members don’t like to do. Think about setting up a meeting room or cleaning an event space! Get the picture?
No Retaliation Against Hazing
The first big rule those who officially become prospects have to follow is that they can’t, under any circumstances, make any retaliation against hazing. It’s important to keep in mind as the process can often be a violent one.

As per the club’s bylaws, the practice of hazing is a rite of passage for prospective members! It’s their way of testing the will and character of a ‘prospective’ candidate. Retaliation will scratch your name out from the list of soon-to-be members.
Consent Is Absolute
Despite the ill reputations, it should be clear by now that group members actually are expected to practice quite a bit of restraint and respect. This rule clearly applies to any interaction with women.

Just like substance abuse, the Hells Angels have a zero-tolerance policy for those who take advantage of women or indulge in derogatory behavior toward them. If any club member indulges in such an act, the result won’t be good for him.
Cultural Inclusivity Isn’t Widely Accepted
As an organization so rooted in rules and historical legacy, cultural inclusivity is a pretty new concept for the Hells Angels. It’s only recently that the club has started to accept more culturally diverse members. Though it does vary from charter to charter.

Throughout its lifespan, the Hells Angels have been predominantly Caucasian, mixed with some Hispanic heritage. As far as other cultures go, some charters have loosened their rules nowadays, while the others have preferred to stay rooted in the past.
One Group for One Area
Each group of Hells Angels rides through their specific areas. If a group has claimed it first, it’s their territory. No other gang can hang around that territory unless they’re just passing through, even if they’re also a part of the Hells Angels.

Hells Angels have several other rival biker groups. Among the rivals, the claiming of an area is determined based on who was there first. In some cities, rival group members even go to separate hospitals to avoid running into each other!
Follow Your Own Rules
That’s the first and last rule of all! Once you’re a Hells Angel, you’ve your own set of rules to live by. All the rules that society has created so far, don’t concern Hells Angels members. And that’s the most important rule they follow.

They fully embrace a full-time bikers’ lifestyle. They despise everything common people crave, like stability and security. But, they protect their own at any cost and are self-contained within their own code of behavior and set of rules. Isn’t that extraordinary?
Staying in Their Lanes
Despite their ill-reputation for being a chaotic group, Hells Angels are incredibly organized when it comes to riding. Riding on a bike is the lifeline of the group and they consider this one act as sacred! They don’t break formation at all and stay in rank.

If you ever witness Hells Angels members riding through your area, you’ll immediately spot their well-structured procession. Group members are very efficient and organized while arranging their own social and community events, too.
Patriotism Is Encouraged
They are largely regarded as lawless, but patriotism runs deep in the Hells Angels. The founding members of the group in California were mostly WWII veterans, and as a result, patriotism is particularly welded into the core culture of the club.

And their enthusiasm for their country hasn’t wavered since their foundation. Now, as a globally spread brotherhood, the members are encouraged to be patriotic toward their respective countries, too.
Ever since they formed in 1948 in Fontana, California, the Hells Angels have been probably the most famous, or better yet infamous, among all the international motorcyclists’ organizations. The members of the group have been getting on the wrong side of the law and attracting controversy since its inception. But, despite their reputation as a bunch of troublemakers, they’re actually loyal and respectful to one set of rules — their own! The Hells Angels official vest comes with a fairly extensive set of strict guidelines. Check out this list of the rules and facts every Hells Angels needs to know by heart.