40+ of the Funniest Tweets About King Charles’ Coronation

Twitter // @Nicky_Jayia

King Charles’ coronation was held on May 6th, 2023, and to call it controversial would be an understatement. Some people believe that the monarchy should be dissolved altogether. Others think the royals bring in more money than they spend. There are individuals who are team William/Kate. There are those who are team Harry/Meghan. One thing we can all agree on, though, is that these tweets about the coronation are absolutely hilarious!


We understand that the coronation had to remain posh and professional. That being said, it’d have been really cool if the King and the bishops would’ve played along with their chessboard roles, at least for a little bit.

Twitter // @DavidMuttering

Actually, it could’ve been a wonderful marketing strategy for the royal family. The moment would certainly go viral, people would absolutely love it, and it’d make the royals seem more relatable and fun. Perhaps this idea can be revisited at the next coronation.

Practice Makes Perfect

In the King’s defense, he probably never bothered to learn the lines because he thought he’d never have the opportunity to use them. For a while there, it seemed like Queen Elizabeth was immortal and would continue her reign forever.

Twitter // @JimMFelton

Add to that our current cancel culture being on overdrive, Harry’s tell-all book Spare, and people trying to get the monarchy abolished — and we don’t really blame Charles for not wanting to get himself hyped up over something that might not happen.

King Grandpa

Poor Louis must’ve been so confused about what he should now call the man we know as King Charles. At the coronation, all the five-year-old heard was how his grandfather had gone from Prince to King and that everyone must now call him that latter.

Twitter // @TribesBritannia

We can see how that’d be confusing for a kid. So, does he now call his grandfather King? Does he stick with Grandpa? Or perhaps he opts for King Grandpa?

The Show Must Go On

The royal family was truly prepared for anything, as they made sure to have some spare Camillas on hand because the show must go on. Spare One and Spare Two are actually the Queen’s Coronation Companions — Annabel Elliot and Fiona Mary Petty-Fitzmaurice.

Twitter // @nicolathorp_

It makes sense that Annabel would look like Camilla because she’s actually the Queen’s sister. As for Fiona, she’s the Marchioness of Lansdowne. Or, you know, they’re Spare One and Spare Two, whichever you prefer.

The Real Star

Any time there’s some sort of event, there’s always something that unintentionally ends up being the center of attention. When Katy Perry performed at the Super Bowl, it was Left Shark that made headlines. At Kate and William’s wedding, Pippa’s backside was all anyone could talk about.

Flickr // TheMatthewSlack

And at King Charles’ coronation, Leader of the House of Commons Penny Mordaunt and her sword completely stole the show. Truthfully, our money was on professional upstager Prince Louis, but we stand corrected.

They Were on a Break

We love this one because it throws shade at both Ross and Charles. What is it with those two and marrying women to who they’re not emotionally available? Just like in Friends, Charles ended up happy with the woman he wanted.

Reddit // u/The4leafclover1966

Unlike Ross and Rachel, though, the public thinks the King made the wrong choice. While Emily didn’t do anything wrong in the sitcom (besides being annoying), Camila isn’t exactly beloved.

The Resemblance Is Uncanny

If we’re being honest, either one of these photos could very well be a version of the other but from a parallel universe. The clothing, the facial expressions, the *spoiler alert* sibling connection — it’s all there.

Twitter // @TribesBritannia

Even the way Charlotte and Louis are posed in this photo makes it look like they’re the stars of a movie and this is the poster. Perhaps The British Empire Strikes Back’s plot would be the royal family battling Harry and Meghan.

False Advertising

Our first thought was that this is false advertising at its finest, but then we did some mental gymnastics for the sake of giving this company the benefit of the doubt. You see, if you were to win the lottery, you’d be rich like a king. Get it?

Twitter // @garwboy

Of course, you’d have none of the social status, no power, still have to pay taxes on your winnings, and probably go broke shortly anyway — as many lottery winners do. So, yeah, we tried, but this is just false advertising.

He’s Not Fooling Anyone

We’ve seen enough heist movies to know a plan in action when we see one. Truthfully, it’s not that great of a disguise, but we imagine that people aren’t saying anything because they want the drama.

Twitter // @edwardderuiter

If the royal family is going to ignore Spare, Meghan Markle’s gonna skip the coronation, and Princess Diana’s ghost isn’t going to show up to give King Charles a stern talking to, then the least we can do is get a decent robbery going.

She Had One Job

It’s safe to say that Princess Anne understood the assignment. In fact, she was so dedicated to making her hat look natural, and not at all designed to cover Harry’s face, that she based her entire outfit around it!

Twitter // @JamesMelville

It was an important task, and someone had to do it. We don’t know if Princess Anne volunteered for the job or if she was nominated but, either way, she and her hat certainly accomplished their mission.


To quote Twitter user @teresaeliz, “You either date Pete Davidson or have a baby with Nick Cannon. Those are the only two life paths for women.” Davidson has a strange ability to get women way out of his league, so of course he’d somehow score Princess Diana as his date.

Facebook // Pete Davidson

Meanwhile, Cannon has a knack for convincing women to mother his children, knowing full well that he’s gotten several other ladies pregnant at the same time. At this point, we’re just waiting for someone to date Pete while carrying Nick’s child.


Look, the coronation of the King may be important and all, but is it really more crucial than re-watching Johnny English Strikes Again? At best, we’d say it’s a toss-up. This was actually a brilliantly strategic move on Channel 4’s part.

Netflix // Johnny English Strikes Again

While all the other channels compete for viewers of the coronation, Channel 4 has a total monopoly on all the people who aren’t interested in seeing Charles crowned King. Something tells us that their ratings went through the roof that day!

An End to the Rivalry

It’s not uncommon for celebrity rivalries to affect their respective fanbases as well. Think about Taylor Swift versus Katy Perry, over a tour dispute. Or Taylor Swift’s argument with Kanye West, about song lyrics that either were or weren’t approved.

Twitter // @SophLouiseHall

There’s also Taylor Swift and Scooter Braun’s feud regarding Swift’s music catalog. Hmmm, there seems to be a common denominator here… Either way, we’re glad to see that the Libertine and My Chemical Romance fans were able to put their differences aside for this particular event.

She Just Wants Privacy

Upon seeing this seemingly disguised individual online, many people took to social media to speculate that this was Meghan Markle, who had declined to attend the coronation. As it turns out, this is actually a photo of 79-year-old composer Karl Jenkins. When asked if he was secretly Markle, Jenkins gave the very matter-of-fact answer, ​​“No, I’m certainly not.”

Twitter // @bobbicee

We’re inclined to believe him, seeing as if it really were Meghan, she’d make sure to find a camera to sit in front of — because she just wants privacy!

Confused Katy

For those who haven’t seen the meme, Katy Perry had some trouble finding her seat at the coronation and wandered around, looking pretty lost, for a bit.

Twitter // @DCShawTea

While it’s hardly unusual to have a bit of an uncomfortable moment getting oneself arranged at an event — especially when you’re a tourist in a foreign country — we don’t usually see A-listers struggle socially the way we normal folks do. It was a bit refreshing to have this relatable reminder that even pop stars can be awkward sometimes.

It’s Louis, Prince Louis

We all know the formula of Hollywood action/drama movies by now. The hero is brooding, wearing dark colors, it’s raining outside, and he puts one hand up to the window, setting the tone of a serious and gloomy man who’s just as troubled as the weather.

Twitter // @charlougray

As it turns out, Prince Louis is aware of this cliché too, because he perfectly encapsulated it when attending the coronation! He’s also giving off some scary villain-in-waiting vibes, making him the perfect anti-hero.

A True Princess

Kate Middleton has a lot of fans around the world, and Prince Louis has perfectly demonstrated how those who admire the Princess of Wales look at her. Apparently, the feeling is mutual. Upon meeting a young fan, once, the child asked Middleton what being a princess is like.

Instagram // @kate.princessofwales

Kate responded that the best part was “meeting special kiddies like you. I meet lots of different people, it’s really… it’s really great […] Everyone’s so brave and strong in some of the places we go meet. It’s very nice to meet you.”

”Let it Gooooooo”

We have to admit that the coronation would’ve been a whole lot more interesting if it were directed by Disney. Really, all the elements of a classic movie are already there. We have a familial conflict, thanks to Harry and William’s issues.

Facebook // Frozen tangle brave // Walt Disney Studios

There’s an unintentionally hilarious sidekick, aka Prince Louis. With Katy Perry at the coronation, we won’t be lacking in dramatic musical numbers. Now, all we need is a talking animal… oh, there’s Prince Andrew!


Anyone who watched the coronation had a moment of concern for Katy Perry. The pop star struggled to find her seat, and the clip of her wandering around in a confused state quickly went viral.

Instagram // @instylemagazine

Luckily, the singer has a healthy sense of humor and doesn’t mind being the butt of a joke every now and then. Perry tweeted this shortly after she became a meme, assuring fans that all was well and she found her place.

Flying Under the Radar

It appears that the public has dramatically underestimated Princess Anne, but that’s quickly being rectified. We’ve all been focused on Kate Middleton’s enviable style and class. We all notice Meghan Markle’s ability to look beautiful in absolutely anything and her perfect fashion sense.

Twitter // @JessC_M

But, what about Princess Anne’s level of epicness that allows her to pull off such a challenging ensemble? People of the internet, we need to start paying better attention. Is warrior-chic going to be a thing now?!

Pomp and Circumstance

We totally get what the OP is saying, that this whole thing could’ve been a shorter meeting — or even just an email — but so can many things in life. By this logic, why bother having any ceremonies for anything?

Shutterstock // Muhammad Aamir Sumsum

Graduated college? Get your degree in the mail! Getting married? Go to a courthouse and sign the marriage contract! It’s your birthday? Acknowledge it with a modest nod, and continue on as normal. Is that better, OP?

’90s Kids Will Know

No disrespect to King Charles, but his coronation wasn’t exactly the most important one of our time. It seems that every generation has a royal who means more to them than the current ruler. For those who were around for Queen Elizabeth’s rise to the throne, she’s their true leader.

Twitter // @PopCulture2000s

Those of us who grew up watching The Princess Diaries know that Mia is our queen. And the younger generations are loyal servants of Elsa from Frozen. Sorry, Charles, you just don’t make the cut.

Better Safe Than Sorry

We can see this situation so clearly. King Charles must have requested his royal scepter. Whoever was assigned the task of going to fetch it probably didn’t know which one His Highness was talking about and didn’t want to disturb the ceremony by asking.

Twitter // @NoahGarfinkel

So, like any unsure person who’s just trying to keep their job, they brought both. At that point, we can imagine the King couldn’t decide which scepter looked better with his royal robes. So, he too opted to just utilize both of them.

Technically Not Wrong

This is malicious compliance at its finest. For those who may not know, malicious compliance is when you do what’s asked of you but in a way that intentionally misses the point. For example, if a parking sign says “green cars only” and you park your gas-guzzling hummer — that just happens to be painted green — in that spot.

Twitter // @jayrayner1

It seems that this journalist was asked to write about the coronation but they aren’t exactly a fan of the monarchy. Well, they did comply with the request maliciously.

Never Say Never

74-year-old King Charles isn’t the only person to achieve his goals later in life. Colonel Sanders didn’t start really making money from KFC until he was 73 years old. J.R.R. Tolkien didn’t complete The Lord of the Rings until he was 56 years old.

Twitter // @thedelhipedia

Then there’s Madonna, who’s in her 60s and is still working on her lifelong dream of turning her face into a slab of plastic. Meaning there’s still hope for the rest of us to pursue our definition of success.

An Excellent Choice

If we didn’t have any context for this photo or a hint of awareness of who King Charles is, we’d totally believe that this is a picture of someone’s grandpa out to dinner.

Twitter // @ItsJohnRain

Can’t you just see Grandpa Charles going to town at the all-you-can-eat buffet, complaining about the service, and revving up to fight to the death over that last piece of shrimp? We can certainly envision it! In fact, we’re pretty sure that’s exactly what Charles is doing in some parallel universe right now.

McKayla Maroney, Is That You?

For those familiar with the McKayla Is Not Impressed meme, you’ll recognize this as the British version of it. Whether you’re McKayla and uninterested in your second-place win, or you’re Louis and done with spending hours at boring ceremonies, this is the universal face for being totally over it.

Twitter // @ChristinaFeed

Which meme will Prince Louis perfectly imitate next? Probably the Kermit Drinking Tea meme the next time Harry and Meghan go at it with the royal family. Yup, just sip your tea and observe the drama from afar.

The Strongest Force on Earth

Let’s just clarify something, here — Penny Mordaunt had to remain completely stoic, while holding a heavy sword, for 51 minutes, while wearing heels. Needless to say, the internet was extremely impressed.

Instagram // @annafbyrne

Not only did Mordaunt become a meme, but she became an online challenge as well. People took to social media and tried to hold makeshift swords up for as long as Penny did. As it turns out, though, that sword is a bit like Thor’s hammer — only one can be worthy.

Gotta Pass the Time Somehow

We’re not entirely sure what’s going on here, but we’re fairly certain that Queen Camilla didn’t actually start knitting in the middle of King Charles’ coronation. Although, if she did, we can’t say we’d blame her.

Twitter // @chickenprincess

That ceremony was long, and people have got to stay awake somehow. What better way to stop yourself from falling asleep than knitting a royal blanket as a coronation gift? On second thought, those do look suspiciously like knitting needles…

That’s Technically True

During Queen Elizabeth’s funeral, the seating arrangements were made oh-so-carefully in a way that completely obscured Meghan Markle’s face via a massive candle. Some may believe that was just a coincidence, but others would call those people naive.

Twitter // @SkateLikeAGirl8

Well, after that incident, the internet began speculating that Harry would be blocked by a pillar at King Charles’ coronation. The public was assured that wouldn’t happen. A promise which was technically, but only technically, fulfilled.

A Walking Billboard

Penny Mordaunt’s sword-holding skills weren’t the only thing that made her a meme during the coronation. The fact that Mordaunt was dressed in a manner similar to Poundland’s (the British version of a dollar store) logo also skyrocketed her to internet fame.

Twitter // @SimonForrest11

Well, that’s some free advertising for the shop! People also compared Penny’s outfit to that of Princess Leia from Star Wars, to which the Brit responded, “That’s not the look I was going for.”

First Day of Work

Some people simply take a bit longer than others to get moving. Maybe you’re not quite ready to settle down when your friends are. Perhaps you need to try out a few careers before finding the perfect one.

Shutterstock // Heide Pinkall

There’s no shame in having your own timeline for success. That said, if you don’t get your first job — and we’re playing really fast and loose with the word ‘job’ here — until you’re in your 70s, you should expect to be the butt of some jokes.

Sorry, Not Sorry

It seems that everyone has an opinion about Meghan Markle. Her supporters say that she was right to skip the coronation, rather than spend time in what she considers to be a toxic environment. Those who dislike Markle believe that she should’ve given her children the opportunity to celebrate the big day with their family, and been present to support Harry.

Shutterstock // Lorna Roberts

As for Meghan herself, one of her spokespeople said, “We encourage tabloid media and various other royal correspondents to stop exhausting the circus that they alone are creating.”

That’s Ominous

Apparently, there was a grim reaper-like presence at the coronation. So, naturally, the internet began to throw around theories as to what this entity could be. Some say it was Meghan Markle, set out to cause mayhem. Others believe the spirit was that of Princess Diana, ready to haunt the ceremony.

Instagram // @tonsil

As it turns out, the “grim reaper” was really just a verger aka someone who essentially works as a caretaker in a place of worship. Well, maybe he was possessed by Princess Diana’s ghost?

Patience Is a Virtue

Regardless of what you think about Queen Camilla, no one can deny that woman’s got patience! It’s tough to know when to give up on something, isn’t it? On the one hand, you don’t want to keep investing in a cause that isn’t going anywhere.

Twitter // @LegallyLinz

On the other hand, no one wants to be the person who left right before everything came together. Well, Camilla choose to place her bets on sticking it out — no matter how long it’d take!

He Is

Charles may be King of the United Kingdom, but Prince Louis is King of the Internet! From shushing Kate Middleton to pulling faces at the Platinum Jubilee balcony appearance at Buckingham Palace, and covering his ears during the Royal Air Force Flypast, Louis is always a mood.

Twitter // @charlipearce

The coronation was no exception, as the little prince spent much of the time wearing his every thought all over his face. We wouldn’t have it any other way!

A Royal Argument

Even the biggest supporters of Prince William and Princess Kate have to admit that there’s definitely a lot of negative energy coming from this photo. Of course, that doesn’t actually say anything about them or their well-being.

Twitter // @BurnerRoyalty

All families have disagreements, and there’s no reason to believe the royal family is an exception. Whatever they fought over in the car seems to have been resolved quickly enough, because Kate, William, and their kiddies looked perfectly happy throughout the rest of the day.

Cue Thunder

You’d be hard-pressed to find someone who prefers Queen Camilla over Princess Diana. Perhaps that’s why social media users were so intent on finding any sign of Diana’s presence at the coronation.

Twitter // @michelle_byoung

The truth is that the late Princess doesn’t need to bother herself with haunting King Charles or pulling shenanigans at the ceremony. She already has the support of the public, on a level that Charles and Camilla could only ever wish for, without even trying. As far as revenge from the grave goes, that’s not too bad!

We Can All Relate

As usual, Prince Louis is all of us. Like everything else the young royal does, this perfectly displays a mood and must be made into a meme immediately! In fact, there were a lot of memes represented at the coronation.

Twitter // @veefeeley

Katy Perry was the Confused Travolta meme, looking for her seat. Charles was the Success Baby meme, having finally been crowned King. And Meghan Markle was the Disaster Girl meme, mischievously watching it all go down from afar.

Hide and Seek

At this point, spotting Meghan Markle or Prince Harry at a royal event is like playing a game of Where’s Waldo, as they’re always placed behind something that obscures their faces. Of course, there’s no evidence that these seating arrangements are intentional on the royal family’s part, but it doesn’t really look like a coincidence.

Twitter // @yalding1666

Once? Sure. Twice? Hmmm. Let’s see if there will be a third time, and then we’ll know. In fact, let’s get ahead of the game and start guessing the next object of concealment!

A Mood Chart

This photo reminds us of those mood charts we all had when we were kids. You know, the ones with various smiley faces, in which you can circle the face that matches how you’re feeling.

Twitter // @prvatrixia

Given how incredibly expressive each person in this picture is and how none of them seem to be emoting the same thing, this could easily be a mood chart on its own. On a scale from Princess Charlotte to Kate Middleton, how are you feeling today?

There Can Only Be One

As opposed to Snoke from Star Wars, Charles did actually reach his goal of becoming ruler within his lifetime. We must admit that we wouldn’t have drawn this comparison between the King and this fictional character.

Twitter // @AaronrolfeA

However, now that we’ve seen it, we can’t unsee it. The gold robes, the facial expression that can be read like a book, and the white eyebrows are just too similar to go unnoticed.

Enter: Salt Bae

For those who don’t get the joke, Salt Bae has been guilty of inserting himself into important events in the past. Unfortunately, he seems to be unaware that he’s had his 15 minutes of fame and that it’s time to move on.

Twitter // @paddypower

When Argentina won the World Cup in 2022, Salt Bae inexplicably went out onto the field and tried to get photos with Lionel Messi, who clearly wasn’t interested. Therefore, it makes perfect sense to prepare for Salt Bae to make another unwanted appearance at the coronation.

Careful, He’ll Write Another Book

They say actions speak louder than words, and Prince Harry and Meghan Markle seem to be walking examples of that. Sure, they say they want privacy, but then they go to celebrity events, create Netflix specials, and write memoirs.

Twitter // @DrSpock_PhD

Well, the public is finally listening and granting this couple the privacy they keep begging for. Princess Anne’s hat is doing all the work of maintaining Harry’s low profile. We have no doubt, though, that he’s not as appreciative about it as Anne may have hoped.

In and Out

No one can really blame Prince Harry for not wanting to stick around at the coronation too long, seeing as how the other attendees aren’t exactly his biggest fans. In fact, the ex-royal was so desperate to be in and out of there as quickly as possible that he even brought his suit hanger along with him!

Twitter // @lindar_lou

This guy didn’t even want to get a hotel room to change clothes in! As soon as the coronation ended, Harry personified the Road Runner and disappeared, leaving behind a pile of dust.

Meme Heaven

Some events are so culturally significant that even if you’re not necessarily a fan, you still want to be in the loop. King Charles’ coronation was absolutely one of those moments.

Twitter // @StevenFarrell99

Even non-Brits, who Charles isn’t the ruler of, were glued to social media to check out the new memes that’d inevitably pop up. After all, if the royals aren’t your thing, you can always see what hilarious shtick Prince Louis is doing.

An R-Rated Coronation

Everything about this image is just unfortunate, including the fact that it was aired on TV. Of course, some people’s minds are cleaner than others, so not everyone would get it.

Twitter // @TheMcKenziest

Either everyone involved in this ring’s presentation had squeaky-clean brains, or no one wanted to take on the uncomfortable task of stating the obvious. Either way, the public has ended up with this unintentional way of checking how naughty we all are. Sadly, we’ve failed the test.

Overdoing It

You know how when it’s a little kid’s birthday, you tell them it’s all about them, and they can go all out? So, of course, they throw on every single article of clothing they like. Yeah… That appears to be what happened here with King Charles.

Twitter // @BettyBowers

He knew coronation day was all about him, and he was going to wear all his favorite accessories! Is it a bit much? Yes. Did we expect anything else? No.

Now What?

We’ve all been through that confusing experience of finally getting what you want, only to realize that you miss the chase. That seems to be what King Charles is experiencing here, as his facial expression is eerily similar to Taylor Swift’s when she gets a new boyfriend.

Twitter // @dieworkwear

Hopefully, Charles can find a new goal to work towards to keep things interesting. Maybe his next mission can be getting the public actually to like him.

Or at Least a Zoom Meeting

On the one hand, the OP is absolutely right that no one needed to get out of bed for this. On the other hand, though, it’s kind of nice to see people come together over a common interest.

Shutterstock // Michael Tubi

Sure, the public is extremely divided on their views about the monarchy, but you could even argue that each side came together to promote their viewpoint. All in all, the coronation may have been unnecessary, but so are most things on TV – that won’t stop us from watching it!

Run, Your Highness, Run!

For those who haven’t read Spare, we’ll spare you (Ha! Get it?) the need and sum it up. An alternative title for the book could’ve easily been Diary of a Wimpy Kid but that was already taken.

Twitter // @elliot_gonzalez

Harry could’ve also named his memoir The Tale of Two Princes and co-written it with William. Perhaps the movie can show Meghan Markle’s perspective? That should be called How to Lose a Guy’s Family in 10 Days.

Arms of Steel

Penny Mordaunt’s expressionless sword-holding skills were undeniable, given how long she had to stay motionless. Of course, it wasn’t without preparation. Mordaunt revealed, “I did take a couple of painkillers before just to make sure I was going to be all right.”

Twitter // @MichaelH4039

She also advised anyone trying the Penny Mordaunt internet challenge to “practice,” “have a good breakfast,” and “wear comfortable shoes” despite the fact that she herself donned heels the whole time.

A Royal Review

The OP has a point, this picture kind of looks like the King is writing a review of someplace he visited. We imagine that Charles’ feedback went something like this…

Twitter // @mostly_grumpy

“While the privilege was certainly enjoyable, the wait time for my order of King was simply unbearable. I was very patient and didn’t even complain to management, but I only received kingship when everyone was tired of the concept of monarchy anyway and had already left the establishment. I certainly won’t be recommending being a British royal to my friends.”

Tick, Tock

Considering how long Charles has been waiting to be crowned King, we don’t blame the man for getting a little impatient with the length of the ceremony. After all, who knows how long he’ll maintain his new status for?!

Twitter // @GaaliGraphy

Many people want to dismantle the monarchy, and the King isn’t exactly in his 20s anymore. As much as one might think he’d want to revel in the moment of becoming King, we can understand why Charles may just want to ensure the whole thing gets done before anything can stop it.

Queen Side Chick

While we’re not fans of the choice of analogy, they say, “Why buy the cow if you can get the milk for free?” — yet Camilla has proven otherwise. It’s pretty rare that a guy will leave his wife for his girlfriend, and it’s even rarer that said girlfriend will then become Queen.

Twitter // @Nicky_Jayia

So, basically, the universe is breaking its own rules for Camilla’s sake. She should just hope that the other known rule of affairs — “Once a cheater always a cheater” — won’t apply to her…