A Family Present
Do you know what the best Christmas present is? One that everyone can use. Yes, that’s right. Best family value is the first check box to tick. For example, this girl shares that she wanted a laptop for Christmas. However, she ended up getting an antique doll stove in the same price range.

Of course, she found it rather difficult to manage, being that she was — ya know — 13 years old. It turns out her mother actually had bought it for herself. Thanks, Mom.
Surprise Error
What are the best surprises you can think of this Christmas? We hope it’s not practical jokes, as they can ruin Christmas. This woman shared that she got a Starbucks gift card with no balance and a gallon bag of coffee straws in a ziplock bag for Christmas.

The straws are at least useful, but the gift card was a rude prank. She realized the prank while she went to get the coffee. This is such an embarrassment in public — a completely unaccepted Christmas present.
The Father Instinct
Fathers aren’t always the right parent when it comes to shopping for holiday gifts. Most fathers would get something that fits their taste instead of the children. This girl shared that her father got her a large neon green three-dimensional poster of a dinosaur for Christmas. He thought it would spice up his daughter’s bathroom wall.

This girl was 27 years old at the time, so you’d think that her parents might have gifted her something a bit more fitting for a grown adult woman. At least it wasn’t a unicorn poster — or would she have preferred that?
Always a Step Ahead
Mothers are the best, as they’re always one step ahead of their kids — and they always have a contingency plan ready. For example, this guy shares that his mother got him a car crash kit for Christmas one year. It came with a disposable camera for documenting accidents, a tape measure, and some chalk.

Surely, his mother has zero faith in him. Even so, Christmas might not have been the right time to remind him. Not the best Christmas gift from mother to son.
The Forgotten Child
Children deserve the best presents for Christmas. After all, the holiday season is supposed to be absolutely magical. When you become an adult, though, the excitement fades and reality sets in.

For this OP, apparently, she had to find out that her family thinks she smells bad. From decade-old scented candles to a half-used can of spray deodorant, we’re pretty sure this poor woman got the hint and won’t be joining next year’s Christmas festivities.
The Hoarder Vibe
Having hoarder family members is crazy. You never know what they might bring home, really. This girl shared that on her 22nd Christmas, her mother got her a box of random stuff from the thrift store she thought her daughter might like. Inside, there was old candy and chocolate, a seahorse lamp, some penguin things, temporary tattoos, and bubbles.

This is absolutely crazy. We cannot imagine how the poor girl had to open a box of this garbage on a Christmas morning. As a 22-year-old, we hope she hasn’t moved out immediately.
You’re Family Now!
Some Christmas presents don’t have any intention other than to mess with you. For example, this girl shares a story of her first Christmas as a married woman — in which she spent the holidays with her in-laws. Her brother-in-law gave her a fake cat turd with kitty litter and all, ya know, to welcome her to the family!

This really doesn’t make any sense, no matter how we look at it. We’re sure the new bride was equally clueless at the moment. There should have been some context, at least.
How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
Getting to spend Christmas with someone you’re romantically involved with, and even love is pretty magical. Of course, the holiday season is romantic, and we blame Hollywood for that. Still, that doesn’t mean breakups don’t happen during this time.

This guy shared that his ex gave him an engagement ring for herself. She also gave specific instructions on how and when to propose to her. How crazy is that? This guy must have been absolutely shocked to receive this kind of present, especially when he knew he’d be breaking up with her shortly after the holidays.
Thoughtful Presents This Year
It’s not easy to pick out Christmas presents. You need to be thoughtful. We usually try to get presents that the person likes, yes? Here’s a story in reverse. This guy shared that his mom bought an Alexa device for Christmas. She said, “I bought you one of those things you hate.”

This is what a surprise looks like. You would never have expected your mother would get something you absolutely hate for Christmas. We wouldn’t, for sure.
The Gift Hunting Season
Finding the best presents during Christmastime ain’t no easy feat. Thrift shops boom at Christmas. Hoarders storm into the shops like it’s no one’s business. Take this gal’s grandmother, for instance.

Who wants to receive mildew-covered clothes as a gift? Or a half-broken Ken doll? In all honesty, we just hope that the rocking chair was beautiful enough to make up for years of awful gifts. Thanks, Gram.
The Blunt Moment
Do you guys remember when mix CDs were all the rage? Whether you had a stereo system at home or a CD player in the car, there’s no denying that you took advantage of mix CDs if you grew up in the ’90s and early 2000s.

Unfortunately, we think the man described in this story must have forgotten that it’s now almost 2022, meaning that most people don’t listen to mix CDs anymore — especially when they’re blank.
The More, the Merrier
The holiday season is the best time of the year; people gather together and reunite after months or even years apart. And, of course, the act of exchanging presents makes the experience that much more exciting.

This poor guy shares that his parents got him the same sweater he had gotten from them the previous Christmas. That’s just awful. We hope that they at least bought another copy of the sweater, rather than just regifting their son the same one.
Don’t Butter Me Up
Buying presents for kids is usually much easier than purchasing any sort of gift for adults. So, with that, why do some people find children so difficult? We really don’t have a clue — and evidently, neither did this OP’s aunt.

She got him a set of miniature butter knives with ceramic fruit and vegetables as the handles for Christmas… when he was seven years old. Moreover, she complained about how difficult it is to shop for him. But, really, what’s a seven-year-old supposed to do with butter knives?
Belongs in the Spam Folder
We all want to put up some extra effort into our Christmas presents. Some of them work out, some of them do not. No hard feelings. However, this is kind of confusing.

This 14-year-old got a calendar for Christmas filled with pictures of Spam — the canned and cooked pork. We’re confused as to what this family was trying to accomplish, or even say with their gift. They really couldn’t have figured out a better present for their teenage daughter?!
A Hint, Maybe?
Some people don’t get along with their in-laws. This isn’t that unusual. However, Christmas is the time when we’re not supposed to focus on those differences. This woman shares that they were visiting her husband’s stepmother for Christmas.

She gave her step-DIL a kindergarten-size backpack as a Christmas present. Apparently, she bought this years before for an actual child, who ended up hating it. So, she stashed it away until it came time to exchange gifts with her daughter-in-law. Real classy…
Bless You
There’s really nothing like that feeling of anticipation right before you open a gift. Well, that is if you like the present in the end. For example, this guy shared that his grandpa planned to give him a tissue box with money in it.

Unfortunately, he wrapped the wrong box, and the guy opened a box of tissues on Christmas morning. As hysterical as it seems, this probably is the worst Christmas present. A box of tissues?
The Wrong Hint
Parents get super creative in preparing Christmas presents for their children. They want Christmas morning to be special, no doubt. However, most of them don’t know how to keep a secret. This girl shares that her parents made her an extensive art kit for Christmas.

Every time they would go to work on it, they would say they were going to feed the present. Thus the Christmas morning started with the girl crying because she thought she was getting a puppy. In hindsight, the OP can honestly say that the art kit her parents put together was an awesome present — even if it couldn’t bark or lick her.
Ruff Life
Losing a pet is as difficult as losing a loved one. This really is a tough reality to cope up with. However, we must go on with life, right? This guy shared that when he was a teen, they had to give his dog away a few weeks before Christmas.

Unfortunately, the news didn’t spread fast enough because someone ended up getting the OP a ceramic jar to hold dog treats. Although the gift was obviously unintentional, it still hit this dude hard.
Wife Knows Better
Defying your wife is never a good idea, especially on holidays. We repeat, don’t mess with her. This guy shares that his ex-wife bought him snowshoes for Christmas after fighting over the fact that he wasn’t interested in going snowshoeing with her and her friends.

Why would she not care about what the guy wants? Perhaps that’s why their marriage ended up in divorce. We hope the woman at least realizes now that it isn’t okay to force someone to do something that they don’t want to, even if it’s your own partner.
Ouch, Gram
Grandmother-granddaughter relationships are so beautiful. Grandmothers watch their little ones grow and love to treat them on every possible occasion. Christmas surely is one of the best times for that. This woman shares a story from when she was about eight or nine years old, in which she received a Christmas ornament from her granny.

It turned out to be the ornament that the OP had spent all her allowance money on to buy for her grandmother the year before. How heartbreaking is that?!
Let’s be real — 16 is a pretty sweet age. You’re no longer a little kid but you also don’t have to carry all the responsibilities that adults do. Most 16-year-olds love vampire romance, like Twilight. Perhaps that’s why this OP’s aunt got her a vampire kit for Christmas one year.

Fortunately, she wasn’t one of those Edward Cullen-obsessed teens, and she definitely wasn’t into makeup. So, all in all, her aunt knows nothing about her own niece.
Narcissus, Is That You?
Sheesh, talk about narcism at its finest. For the last time, when you’re giving out a present, it should be about the person who’s receiving it — not you! This guy shares that his cousin once gave him an autographed picture of himself. This is just a completely unacceptable Christmas present.

Who in their right mind would gift their loved one a signed picture of themselves? We wouldn’t like that kind of gift even if it came from Tom Hanks himself. Okay, well, maybe we would if it were from the iconic actor, but we think it goes without saying that this OP’s cousin isn’t Tom.
Quack, Quack
Getting gifts from a girlfriend’s family can be really endearing — or just totally unexpected. Because you never know what’s coming. However, gifts like this can give you literal chills. Here, the boy was definitely expecting something nice from his girlfriend’s aunt, but it turned out to be a rubber ducky with its bottom cut out.

It had a creepy note attached to it with a rock. We think the present must have been swapped with the wrong person… at least we hope it was?
Poor Eyesight
Grandparents are the sweetest. However, this guy has a different story to share. His grandma bought her an ornament with the name Eric engraved on it for Christmas — the OP’s name is actually Morgan.

How could this granny forget her own granddaughter’s name? Whatever the reason, we can’t imagine that it was easy for this OP to forgive her grandmother for such a mistake.
Iceberg Ahead
When you think of giving someone a gift, you choose something unique or something that person doesn’t have. However, unfortunately, some people don’t put in as much effort. Giving someone a movie DVD that they’ve already seen isn’t the most ideal gift — unless it’s their favorite film.

In this scenario, the person literally put in zero effort, though. Why? Well, he gave this OP a pirated and scratched copy of Titanic without so much as a case.
Men Will Be Men
Ouch! Talk about a lose-lose situation for this woman. Not only did she spend tons of money on a designer watch but she got a measly Walmart blender in return.

Now, we’re sure this woman wouldn’t have minded her present had they not already owned three other blenders. It’s clear that this OP’s ex really didn’t put much thought into his gifts. Perhaps that’s why he’s now her ex!
The Lottery Approach
Buying Christmas presents for a large family every year can be quite overwhelming. People come up with all sorts of weird ways to manage this, though. Take this OP’s aunt, for instance.

She just shops for all the holiday gifts at thrift stores, which wouldn’t be such an issue if the presents made some sort of sense. But, gifting your niece a Kama Sutra book at 13 years old isn’t necessarily the best idea — and neither is a baby onesie if the person you got it for doesn’t even have a baby. Oh, man.
Trash Panda
If we give you a chance to name the weirdest gift you’ve ever received, what would be your answer? We don’t think it could get any weirder than this next one. Yes, you can actually purchase raccoon urine for Christmas. It comes tightly sealed with proper packaging.

You can get these kinds of gifts either from your siblings, friends, or enemies. It’s certainly a shocking gift, and Christmas is all about making memories, right? Ha! We’re totally kidding. This is completely unacceptable!
The Naughty in the List
Like Santa, grandparents are entitled to have a list of naughty grandchildren. For some grandparents, their presents do vary from most favorite to least. This person shares that his grandmother handed him a card label from a gift card placed into an empty toilet paper tube — all packaged like a present.

On the other hand, his other siblings received an actual gift card. Clearly, Grandma isn’t the biggest fan of this OP. This is really heartbreaking for this poor guy. We hope it’s nothing personal.
Same Pinch
While some prefer not to admit it, there are plenty of parents and grandparents that have favorites. In this family, for instance, Granny can’t get enough of her daughter’s kids but it’s a whole different story when it comes to her son’s children — the OP and her siblings.

So, with that said, it makes sense as to why the OP and her siblings decided to purchase the cheapest thing they could find for their grandma. Little did they know that she would regift to them the next year. Naughty, naughty.
Efficiency Is Everything
At this point in the list, we think it’s safe to say that some grandparents really have no shame and will openly show their favoritism towards one grandchild over another.

The least that Grandpa and Grandma could have done here is wrap the suitcase to make the OP feel as though they were actually receiving a present. Instead, they just rolled up with a suitcase full of presents for the OP’s sister — and, as an afterthought, they just handed the suitcase over to the OP. Thanks.
The Quick Fix
Dads forgetting to pick up Christmas gifts is not a surprise, right? At least once every two years, some men get themselves in trouble for this. This dad, however, tried his best to improvise but sorely failed.

This girl shares that her dad had brought her — a nine-year-old girl at the time — shampoo from a motel, along with an adult men’s shirt he got for free. We can literally feel her fury through her Reddit comment. Her Christmas must have been ruined.
Baby Steps
Dads are awesome, and there’s no denying that. But, even so, there are plenty of men that just don’t know how to shop for gifts. In fact, most guys just rely on their partners to do the shopping.

And so, it makes sense as to why this newly-divorced daddio didn’t know that he wasn’t supposed to get his 12-year-old daughter a nose-trimmer for Christmas. Since a few years have passed since this occurrence, though, we can only assume that the OP’s father has gotten better at choosing presents.
The Weasleys Celebrate Christmas
Weasleys have always had a trend of hand-me-down clothes. We’ve figured that out in the very first part. However, they at least have gotten first-hand Christmas presents.

Having passed-on presents for Christmas is simply ghastly. This woman shared that she got old toys, books of hers, expired art supplies, and even baby clothes from the ‘90s for Christmas. Apparently, her parents decided to repack her old stuff for her newborn. This is simply hysterical. We’re very sorry for this woman. We hope she still shows up for next Christmas.
The holiday season is the most delightful time of the year — snow, Christmas trees and lights, gingerbread houses, mistletoes, jingles, and exchanging presents. But, while some presents can put a smile on your face, others may upset you terribly. Today, we’re going to look at the most unacceptable presents people have received from their family.